In our company, taking care of intellectual and professional development, as well as extending the competencies of employees who constitute our human capital, has gained the highest priority. As a friendly organisation, we provide our employees with the opportunity of professional development based on a training system tailored to their individual needs. The potential that is generated helps to achieve our company’s goals of improving efficiency, productivity, quality and effectiveness.
Our organisation is created by trustworthy, highly qualified staff working efficiently thanks to the opportunities offered by teamwork.
A strategic approach to the training process consists of precisely defining training needs, choosing appropriate training techniques and assessing their effectiveness.
We use two forms of training.
At the workplace, where the instructor accompanies the employee, providing instructions and necessary information about the activities being performed. The advantage of this method is the ability to immediately apply the acquired skills in practice.
Off-site training is provided by external companies or employees of the organisation, and includes training sessions, lectures, seminars as well as workshops and exercises.
Centrum Pali Sp. z o.o.
99-300 Kutno, ul.Łąkoszyńska 127
Tel: +48 24 254-70-64
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